Payment Details
When making a payment by any of the methods below, please inform the Treasurer by email the method used and date of payment:
Payment methods:
1. Paypal. Paypal make a deduction on all payments. Please add and extra £1.
Go onto the Paypal site via the internet. Enter the email address: [email protected]
2. UK cheque: Make cheques payable to The Association of Musical Box Collectors (AMBC) and post to: AMBC Treasurer, 46 Longfield Avenue, High Halstow, Rochester, Kent MES 8TA.
3. BACS: Direct to Barclays Bank: Sort: 20-54-25; Account 43653064
IBAN GB63 BUKB 2054 2543 630 64
Payment methods:
1. Paypal. Paypal make a deduction on all payments. Please add and extra £1.
Go onto the Paypal site via the internet. Enter the email address: [email protected]
2. UK cheque: Make cheques payable to The Association of Musical Box Collectors (AMBC) and post to: AMBC Treasurer, 46 Longfield Avenue, High Halstow, Rochester, Kent MES 8TA.
3. BACS: Direct to Barclays Bank: Sort: 20-54-25; Account 43653064
IBAN GB63 BUKB 2054 2543 630 64